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September is when we try to stretch-out the last days of summer, focus on back-to-school learning, begin thinking about (or continue planning) our next reunion, and searching for more ways to have fun with the family. This September we’ve listed 70 observances and holidays that you can turn into great family time including Wife Appreciation Day, Grandparent’s Day, Stepfamily Day, Baby Safety Month, Kids Take Over The Kitchen Day, Childrens’ Good Manners Month, Intergeneration Month, Ancestor Appreciation Day, National Love People Day, and Suicide Prevention Month.
September is also host to Labor Day, Hispanic Heritage Month, National Day of Service and Remembrance, National Preparedness Month, Air Force Birthday, Hunger Action Month, Clean Up The World Weekend, National Courtesy Month, Respect Day, Good Neighbor Day, National Voter Registration Day, National School Success Month, Women’s Health and Fitness Day, Family Health and Fitness Day USA, Self-Improvement Month, Healthy Aging Month, Square Dance Month, and so much more.
Want to turn FAMILY TIMEobservances into great time with the family? On days that celebrate foods, incorporate them into your meals and show the kids how it’s made. On dates with activities, incorporate them into your daily routine. On all other days have a discussion, do some research, discover something new about the day. Make a game of it, get the whole family involved, and have some fun.
This month’s photos represent: American Chess Day; Grandparents Day; Ice Cream Cone Day; Intergeneration Month; National Piano Month; Line Dance Week; Kid's Take Over the Kitchen Day; and Miniature Golf Day.
Baby Safety Month
Better Breakfast Month
Childrens' Good Manners Month
Classical Music Month
Fall Hat Month
Healthy Aging Month
Hispanic Heritage Month (begins 9/15 ends 10/15)
Hunger Action Month
Intergeneration Month
Library Card Sign-up Month
National Courtesy Month
National Food Safety Education Month
National Honey Month
National Piano Month
National Potato Month
National Preparedness Month
National Rice Month
National School Success Month
National Sewing Month
National Square Dance Month
National Wilderness Month
Self-Improvement Month
Suicide Prevention Month
Whole Grains Month
1-7 National Nutrition Week
1-7 National Waffle Week
9-14 Line Dance Week
17-23 Constitution Week
20-22 Clean Up The World Weekend
1 American Chess Day
2 Labor Day
3 Skyscraper Day
5 Cheese Pizza Day
6 Fight Procrastination Day
8 Grandparents Day
10 Swap Ideas Day
11 National Day of Service and Remembrance
12 Chocolate Milkshake Day
12 National Day of Encouragement
12 National Video Games Day
13 Kids Take Over The Kitchen Day
13 Positive Thinking Day
14 Cream-Filled Donut Day
15 Wife Appreciation Day
16 American Legion Day
16 Stepfamily Day
17 Constitution and Citizenship Day
17 National Apple Dumpling Day
18 Air Force Birthday
18 Respect Day
18 World Water Monitoring Day
21 Boys' and Girls' Club Day for Kids
21 Miniature Golf Day
22 Fall (Autumn) Equinox
22 Ice Cream Cone Day
23 Checkers Day
24 National Cherries Jubilee Day
24 National Punctuation Day
24 National Voter Registration Day
25 National Daughter Day
25 Women’s Health and Fitness Day
27 Ancestor Appreciation Day
28 Family Health and Fitness Day USA
28 National Good Neighbor Day
28 National Hunting and Fishing Day
28 Save Your Photos Day
28 Son’s Day
29 National Biscotti Day
29 VFW Day
30 National Love People Day
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